We have fast tracked the new supervisor WatchMon 4.0 to be available from the beginning of 2018. This is due to Freescale Semiconductor (supplier) not having any stock and no new stock till mid next year. Our project and many others using the PRC Teensy solution will be looking to resolve asap.
Luckily the with the development of the recent WatchMon CMC product (automotive Molex CMC connectors) we have adopted a new processor ESP32 from Espressif.
The first run in this format will be here soon with a volume batch ready for sale in the new year.
This planned replacement has a number of important benefits:
- more powerful with extra storage and functionality
- generic to ensure better supply opportunities
- optional over the air (OTA) firmware updates to allow upgrades beyond USB
- secure web encryption to allow SSL link when connecting to optional cloud portal.
- extra port of modbus RS485 allowing connectivity to inverters that dont have canbus support.
- optional blue-tooth connectivity
- same dimensions as existing WatchMon1
- include two (2) onboard FET outputs 4A with 8A inrush (e.g. remote circuit breaker trip + fan)
- include 2 onboard input (e.g. circuit breaker trip sensor)
- remove the need for the expansion board (except when additional functionality is required)
- prevent all outputs from resetting when the processor firmware is updating (no transient on/off/on)
- additional power protection from supply to handle automotive transients
- extra isolation to the CMU (cellmon) RX communication link
Ease of Use
- pluggable screw terminals to simplify installation, allowing pre-made cables for both shunt and cellmons
- relocation of onboard temperature sensor away from heat sources to have better representation of ambient
- finger guard cover clip slots, more details on the cover soon
- intuitive screw terminal labeling to reduce need to check documentation